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IN VIEW Magazine is published in two digital formats: for computers that can process flash-based content, and for tablets and smart phones that require PDF content.

The magazine seeks to Take A Closer Look at What Really Matters by examining topics of interest from the perspective of eternity’s values.

Highlights from the first edition:

“The highest calling we can possibly have is to be involved, totally involved, in obedience to the command of Jesus Christ: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”  T.A. Hegre [page 1]

 Question: “What is Christian ethics?”

While more than just a list of “do’s” and “don’ts,” the Bible does give us detailed instructions on how to live as a Christian should. The Bible is all we need to know about how to live that Christian life. However, the Bible does not explicitly cover every single situation we will face in our lives. How then is it sufficient? That is where Christian Ethics comes in.

Science defines ethics as, “a set of moral principles, the study of morality.” Therefore, Christian Ethics would be the principles, derived from the Christian faith, by which we act. [page 4]

Code Blue: Hearts and Minds At Risk

The church in America is in critical condition. Christian adults and young people alike embody worldviews that are no different from those outside the church. Separation from Christ means spiritual death follows quickly. For that reason, CODE BLUE has been declared for the American church. Urgent action is vital and must occur now! [page 5]

Living For Eternity Doesn’t Start When
We Die, But Here And Now.

Our ability to live “eternally focused” is hindered in part by both the busyness of our lives and what we allow this world to instill in us as important. Therefore it often isn’t until later in life that a person is able to see the contrast between what they have long thought and what really does matter.  [page 8]

“Love Boat” Captain Now A Time Changer

“It’s the most important work I have ever done” says Gavin MacLeod, well known for his TV roles in The Love Boat and The Mary Tyler Moore Show when talking about his role in the  movie, Time Changer. [page 11]

Family, The Cornerstone of Society

You didn’t get here without family. Heartwarming or heartbreaking, family life shapes and molds us. That’s how God planned it. As a purposeful God, He has a purpose for the family. There are no substitutes for the family as God designed it. God’s finishing touch on His masterpiece of creation was the formation and blessing of the first family. [page 13]

Here I am to Worship?

“What takes place in the church service corporately is only as meaningful as what takes place at home individually.”

Today, Christians around the world (ie, Sudan, China, Chechynia) are imprisoned, tortured, denied work and food, and killed because of their affiliation with Christ. Even under such dire conditions, the church is flourishing. People flock to the good news of Jesus Christ knowing persecution could come at any moment. They continue to worship God: meeting in secret, whispering their prayers, praises, songs, and preaching.

When met with the overwhelming evidence that worship can occur anywhere under any circumstances, I have to look at the common denominator in each example: prayer and song.

Not glorious music coupled with stunning oratory, but simple men and women praising God in all circumstances. [page 18]

Are Christians Called to Change the World?

Does putting the priority on rescue excuse us from any responsibility for conditions on our planet?  Are we to shrug off pollution, urban sprawl and recycling with an oh-well-it’s-just-going-to-burn-anyway attitude? No and no. What some call God’s creation mandate still stands. While God completes his rescue operation, many of the occupations we engage in will help to maintain order on this sinking ship of a world. [page 20]


A Closer Look at What Really Matters